
会場 [ハワイ]


ビショップ博物館の本館右手のThe Atherton Halau で、エントランスの近くにあります。




Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. We were scheduled to have a day off from quilting this Saturday March 4 because the room we usually have class in will be used for another palace function. But my day off was short lived when the Bishop Museum called and invited us to have our class there in their Atherton Halau. So ladies we’re having quilting class. If you haven’t made other plans come and join us at the oldest museum in Hawaii. The Atherton Halau is located right outside the Bishop Museums main building near the entrance and gift shop. You will need to pay parking or there’s a lot of street parking just outside the museum grounds. Hope to see all of you there. I hope the ladies who called about class this Saturday will able to come after all.
